How to Read Your TLM Report

Part 1: General Info and Assessment Page

This information helps us to improve TLM to better serve your particular needs.

  • A summary of your personal and tennis biographic information

  • A brief description of the Assessments used for this report

Part 2: Summary of Your Needed Improvements

1. Your comprehensive report begins with prioritized stats that need improvement. One table for each stroke.

2. Your chosen assessment level: Beginner 1-3, Intermediate, Advanced (coming soon). More Info.

3. Each stroke is assigned an overall score. A score of 100% means you were GOOD for all stats. More Info

4. Table section for key moments of your stroke. E.g. Statics: Max Load - Stroke preparation pose.

Part 3: Side-By-Side Stroke Comparison

See the stat measured in 3D on your image.

  • Compare to the assessment model (coach, pro, or elite player).

  • The example helps you understand the correction that TLM is requesting.

  • Visualize what GOOD looks like.

Part 4: Stat Description and Guidance

These sections explain why we measure the statistic and its importance to your technique.

  • Researched opinions and guidance on what is optimal

  • Third party content recommendations

  • Common problems and fixes

Part 5: Stroke Assessment Chart

1. Stat name

2. Chosen Assessment

3. Stroke number and value for the stat

4. Values for all your strokes and the average

5. Desired Target Value and Ranges (Green = GOOD, Yellow = FAIR, Orange = NEEDS WORK)

6. Stat Assessment

7. Short Recommendation